Chapter one brought many new perspectives on genres to my attention. I never thought of genres as something we have in our everyday lives; I always thought it only applied to books, movies, etc. I was aware of writing for a specific audience and the three main purposes of writing, but never connected them to how we write/present ourselves on social media. For example, many of my family members constantly complain they don’t hear from me enough now that I’ve moved away from home, so I will frequently post a status or photos on Facebook for them to see and know that I am doing well. They want to see proof that I am enjoying myself, so I most post convince them that I am doing alright. One thought I could not shake during my reading was that genres are a classification system… so what’s the difference between genres and categories? I decided to re-read the chapter and immediately the first sentence answered my attention- “a genre is a composition’s category.” Although there are many different genres, only things that have been composed may have them. As a dancer, I hear about different genres of dance quite often, but as a young adult with a heavy social media presence, I very rarely hear about genres in social media.