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Blog 10- Grammar & Punctuation

My love (some may call it an unhealthy obsession) for grammar began when I was a little girl. My parents bought me a book- Eats, Shoots, and Leaves- that teaches the importance of commas. I immediately become enthralled by the english language and thought it was so cool how a tiny little comma could completely change the meaning of a sentence. A few months later, my parents bought me The Girl's Like Spaghetti. It focused on the importance of apostrophes. I know there is confusion whether or not punctuation should be considered grammar, but either way I believe grammar and punctuation are very important. You can write an amazing paper, but if you use improper grammar your paper will seem very unprofessional. I am majoring in Media & Communications and minoring in English. My ideal job would be working in the government (preferably the Air Force) as a proofreader- scanning all documents, speeches, etc. for grammatical errors before they are published. After complaining for many months about the grammatical errors in my church's bulletin, I now receive the bulletin on Friday nights, so I can proofread it and send it back so it is ready for church on Sunday. I love grammar and absolutely love the english language!

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